Saturday, 9 February 2013

0 Chat With Friend Using MS-DOS Command Prompt

Hello Friends!!!!!!

I have a trick to Chat with friends using Ms-Dos Command prompt.

First you need is your friends IP Address and your Command Prompt (for open Ms-Dos Command, press Window Button + R, and type cmd, then press Enter Key) in your window PC.

First Copy all Below Code and Paste in your Notepad.

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

Now Save this file as "Mymessanger.bat" . (file automatically save as batch file).

Then open this file by double click, then file see something like this below Image.

Then Type IP Address of your Friends Computer and you see something like this below Image

Then Type your Message and Start Chatting!!!!!

Try It!!!!

Yuvaneeds Foundation & Community
About Author Anil Agarwal is the Founder and owner of Yuvaneeds Foundation & Commuinty and professional web designer and IT Student living in India. This passionate web designer loves to connect with different people, hardworking and family centered. Have fun exploring Yuvaneeds Foundation & Community.

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